Bay Dental Center - Logo
Panama City Downtown                                                                         
Santa Rosa Beach Florida      850-785-5502

Pain Management

Pain / Fear Control

Family Owned | Most Major Insurance Plans Accepted

Safe and Comfortable Sedation Options 

Going to the dentist can be very stressful for some people, so much so that they don't even go. Don't let anxiety and fear keep you from getting the dental care you need. Contact Bay Dental Center today for our sedation options and enjoy a stress-free and pain-free experience. 

Our Sedation Options

We have nitrous oxide treatment for "conscious sedation" to reduce your anxiety while keeping you awake through the procedure. Afterward, you are able to drive home or back to the office to continue your day because nitrous oxide leaves the body quickly.

We also offer oral conscious sedation where you take a sedative an hour prior to your appointment. You will need a ride to and from your appointment because patients on oral sedation are not permitted to drive for at least 24 hours following their appointment.

Call Us for an Appointment Today!
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